Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Best of 2020: 5 Most Popular Posts from the RCI Blog

Collectively, I think we are all looking forward to putting the year 2020 behind us (far behind us). With that said, as challenging, and at times heart-wrenching, the past year has been we hope you can take a moment to focus on the good (however minuscule) that came out of year 2020.

There’s no doubt it is stretched, burdened and bewildered everyone one way or another, it has also challenged many people to learn new skills, think on their feet and be more imaginative and creative than they ever thought was possible. This year has literally and physically pulled people apart, but it has also brought together many families, friends, coworkers and neighbors (even if only virtually) who have bonded together and created shared memories that will last a lifetime.

In light of focusing on the positives that came from 2020, we’re bringing back RCI’s most-read blog posts from 2020, in case you missed them the first time or could use a refresher.

5.   How to Create a More Efficient Candy Kitchen

Looking to improve the efficiency of your candy kitchen? Rethinking the layout of your kitchen is a great place to start. Read on for impactful ways to improve efficiency in your candy kitchen.

4.   52+ Hilarious Quotes for Chocolate Shops to Use on Letter Boards

What was once a relic that could only be found in diners, church basements or outside school gymnasiums, letter boards can now be found all over social media. Snag 52 of our favorite chocolate-related quotes for your letter boards—enough to share one a week for the whole year, plus a few bonus quotes for the holidays.

The label typically reads “sponge candy,” but you may also know this candy as cinder block, sea foam, fairy food, angel food or a multitude of other names. Learn the basics, plus tips and tricks for making sponge candy (or whatever they call it where you’re from) that customers crave.

2.   40 Ways for Candy Makers to Navigate the COVID-19 Crisis

Originally published in March of 2020, this post was intended to offer guidance, support, inspiration and hope to retail confectioners in a quickly changing world. Though much has changed since March, we are confident you could still find some ideas and inspiration to better your business.

1.   Hot Chocolate Bombs

Hot chocolate bombs are easily one of the biggest breakout trends of 2020. Here we shared ideas and inspiration for creating your own hot chocolate bombs, plus how to set the tone with packaging.

Even though the challenges experienced in 2020 won’t disappear when the clock strikes midnight, we will celebrate a fresh start with a grateful heart, while leaning on new skills, stronger relationships and hope for a better tomorrow. Wishing you a safe and happy New Year!

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