Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tip #149: Create Thanksgiving Centerpieces

Can you believe we’re just three weeks away from Thanksgiving in the U.S.? That’s why this week’s tip is to help your customers celebrate Thanksgiving by selling fall-themed chocolate and candy centerpieces in your store.

The varieties and options for centerpieces are endless! One of our favorites is a chocolate cornucopia decorated with chocolate leaves and filled with chocolates and dried fruits (see photo above). While this centerpiece is an obvious investment of time, it sure makes for a beautiful display!

Another more simple idea is to create different sizes of trays or platters filled with your chocolates. Be sure to use a wrapping of some sort to make it feasible for the customer to transport the centerpiece to their home. We have also seen numerous sizes of turkey moulds used to create Thanksgiving centerpieces. Some candy makers sell the moulded chocolate turkey on its own while others may incorporate the turkey as the center of their trays and platters.

You could also consider trying a new twist on topiaries by covering a foam sphere with truffles (on top of parchment paper) and securing the sphere on a large candlestick. Or, make Thanksgiving-themed cake pops and create a centerpiece display out of them.

If your customer is buying a centerpiece it is because he or she likely cares very much about presentation, particularly on the Thanksgiving table. Therefore, provide something beautiful – and delicious – that customers will be proud to show off to their guests.