Did you know limiting the use of water is one of
the primary means of controlling pathogens in low moisture food establishments
(foodprotection.org)? If when cleaning, your workstation is always filled with enough
soaps and suds to check your reflection, it may be time to consider practicing
dry sanitation methods.
via Gfycat
Keep reading to better understand the
difference between wet and dry cleaning methods and why dry cleaning is best,
when possible.
Wet Cleaning & Sanitation
You are probably already using wet cleaning and
sanitation methods which utilizes water and/or detergents to remove residue.
When wet cleaning, it is extremely important that even the nooks and crannies
of machinery is dry, because it is in these hard-to-reach places where bacteria
can be difficult to remove and when water is present bacteria can grow.
Dry Cleaning & Sanitation
The benefit to employing dry cleaning and sanitation methods, is that it allows you to remove food residue with little or no water application, significantly reducing the opportunity for bacterial growth. Dry cleaning can be as simple as surface cleaning with a vacuum or alcohol-based wipes. More detailed cleaning may be performed with a steam cleaner or dry ice cleaner.
The benefit to employing dry cleaning and sanitation methods, is that it allows you to remove food residue with little or no water application, significantly reducing the opportunity for bacterial growth. Dry cleaning can be as simple as surface cleaning with a vacuum or alcohol-based wipes. More detailed cleaning may be performed with a steam cleaner or dry ice cleaner.
Assess Level of Risk
When determining which method of cleaning is
best, it is important to assess the risk level of the area in need of cleaning.
Different areas of your facility may have a different level of risk, just as different ingredients would. It is important to understand what you are trying to
remove when cleaning or sanitizing different work stations. According to Quality Assurance Magazine, it is essential to ensure all products used to clean and sanitize food-contact surfaces are approved by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) in addition to being verified and validated.
Before dragging out the bucket of soapy water to
clean and sanitize equipment and work stations, consider if you can incorporate
dry cleaning and sanitation methods into your regular cleaning routine.
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