Tuesday, August 31, 2021

5 Confections Made Better with Sea Salt

Just when you think rich and buttery caramel couldn’t get any better, a dash of sea salt can take it to the next level. Marked as a hot flavor trend in 2008, this sweet and salty power couple continues to prove its staying power.

Chocolate-covered sea salt caramels are a customer-favorite for many RCI members. If you’re looking for new avenues to apply the magic of sea salt, keep reading for five confections that are even better with sea salt.

Caramel Apples
Elevate your caramel apples with a drizzle of chocolate and a sprinkle of sea salt. Not only does this application stimulate the taste buds, the addition of delicate sea salt crystals levels up the sophistication.

Credit: Bixby & Co.

It just makes sense to pair buttery and nutty confections with a dash of high-quality sea salt. It’s no surprise toffee and sea salt are a winning combination.

Credit: Popped!

Caramel Popcorn
If you make caramel popcorn, a sprinkle of coarse sea salt crystals, like fleur de sel, can instantly elevate your product and add another variety to your product lineup. Invite customers to sample the new combo, touting “if you love our caramel popcorn, wait until you try it with sea salt!”

Salt Water Taffy
Aside from the flavor, coarse sea salt can add a welcome crunchy element to smooth and creamy confections like taffy. If you pull your own taffy, consider adding sea salt crystals towards the end of the production process so not to lose the texture of the sea salt.

Lemon Confections
Think twice before limiting lemon and sea salt to savory seafood dishes. This flavor combination is popular in Asian confections and can be seen in various applications in North America. If you’re looking for a more unexpected application, consider ways to incorporate sea salt with your lemon-flavored confections—such as a touch of sea salt to chocolate-covered lemon creams. Alternatively, we love this idea of lemon sea salt peanuts from Belmont Peanuts. Described as “a flavor match made in peanut paradise,” this pairing is worth a try!

Sea salt can instantly add value to confections, along with an undeniable punch of flavor and satisfying crunch. When adding a twist to any product, even if just a dash of salt, we highly recommend offering samples in-store and heavily promoting the new product (with photos, of course) on your website and social media outlets. Staging your salty, new products atop a generous mound of coarse sea salt crystals (think pink with pink Himalayan Sea salt, if you use it in your application) can both be visually appealing and reinforce the message even if the consumer doesn’t read the description.

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