Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tip #43: Join Your Local Chamber

This week's tip may seem like a no-brainer for some of you, but so often we get caught up in other things and forget those that seem so obvious.

So why is it important as a candy making business to join your local chamber? Here are just a few ideas to get you thinking:
1.       Phone Referrals – As tourists, visitors and new members of the community call the local chamber for referrals and information about local businesses, this is a great opportunity to build awareness for your brand. 
2.       Website Links – By including your company name, contact information and link to your website in the chamber’s membership directory (both print and online), anyone who visits the chamber website will have access to your company information.
3.       Networking – Attend chamber events to make quality business connections and increase awareness of your business.  
4.       Lobbying - The local chamber is oftentimes very active in lobbying on behalf of member businesses. Whether it is tax credits or other legislative issues, they are championing your cause as a vital part of the local business community.
5.       Member Referrals – Chamber members enjoy referring business to each other. As you network and make connections with other members, the more aware they will be of the services and products your business offers. In turn, your fellow chamber members will think of you when they get asked if they know any local candy makers who can make a custom candy bar or corporate gift, for instance.