Tuesday, October 17, 2023

3 Ways to Maximize Sales with Packaging


Packaging serves many purposes, from providing protection to conveying one’s brand and marketing message. Unique and distinctive packaging can be a powerful tool allowing you to differentiate your product, increase sales and create an emotional connection with customers.

Fazio’s Chocolate uses this custom gondola-inspired box to represent the founder’s Italian heritage.

Pique Interest
Creative packaging provides an engaging visual experience that can help to pique shopper interest and make them more likely to purchase the product. Unique packaging can also act as a form of advertising, drawing attention to the product and helping it stand out from the competition.


Peterbrooke Chocolatier’s bold brand colors are used with consistency in their packaging, stickers, bags and bows leaving little doubt that customers know they’re in for a treat when they see bright pink and blue packaging.

Brand Recognition
Distinctive packaging can also help to increase brand recognition. Customers are more likely to remember and recognize a product if it has an attention-grabbing packaging design. By utilizing clear and consistent branding, customers will be more likely to recall your product when looking to make a purchase.

Reid Candy & Nut Shop’s strong local ties are evident in their use of imagery that represents the community they've been a part of since 1971. 

Emotional Connection
Finally, packaging can be used to create an emotional connection between customers and the product. By using packaging that evokes a feeling or sentiment, it can help you create an emotional bond with customers, which can lead to increased sales and build customer loyalty.

Looking to level up your packaging? Check out RCI’s Buyer’s Guide for a list of trusted confectionery packaging suppliers. RCI members must login for direct contact information. If you’re not a member of RCI and you would like to request contact information for RCI’s packaging supplier members, contact our office at 417-883-2775.

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